Transformative Ayurvedic Formulation For Acne Prone Skin

Ayurveda is the Traditional Indian Medicine which dates 5000 years ago. आयुर्वेदोअमृतानाम् (Ayurveda is best among all the nectars) i.e. It aims for the Wellness of all Living beings. Beauty and wellness have been well described in Ayurveda. Ayurveda aims for sustainable beauty, which is achieved by acting on the root cause. This essence of beauty was well known to Ayurveda since ages, which aim to invoke the inner natural beauty. Ayurvedic skin treatment for beautification has been backed by its mention in Ayurvedic classical literature and is prized for their safe, holistic action.

Imbalance in tridosha (vata- pitta- kapha) causes skin problems. Ozone Signature Range is based on the concept of Ayurveda hence aims to balance the doshas to cure the problem and promote beauty. One of such beauty rituals mentioned in Ayurveda is Haridradya taila, authentic Ayurvedic classical oil ascribed in Ayurvedic literature Chakradatta as essential skin care treatment for age spots, acne & pimple, and skin care.

Haridradya taila is an innovation in the pharmaceutical preparations of the Ayurveda by Chakrapanidatta, whose text is considered as principles and practices of Ayurvedic Medicine. The complete knowledge on this preparation is based on clinical experience. He was known for excel in plant origin drugs with their action and properties, which may be seen in his varied work like Chakrapanidatta’s commentary on Charaka Samhita. Derived from the Shlokas mentioned in the text, the purity of the product is maintained by strictly following the procedure and methods described in the literature.

The uniqueness of the Haridradya taila is in its method of preparation and selection of plant drugs from natural habitat. It has three major components in definite proportion with standard operative procedure put down carefully and gently till the quality, safety and efficacy is maintained. The plant drug parts, the oil and the water are added step by step with the awareness that active plant constituents move potently into oil.

There are good numbers of vegetable oils in nature from seed, fruit, flower, leaf, bark, aril etc. which have peculiar properties responsible for deep penetrating dermal action to different skin layers. Amongst them the sesame oil is judged best, being the following properties as specified in Sushruta samhita- igneous nature, sharp, speedy absorbable, normalizes skin with softness, firmness, pacifies vata and kapha, promotes complexion and strength, alleviates pain, removes worms etc. In the nature three category of sesame seeds are available as follows: superior, inferior and medium. The superior one is considered best in its properties if collected timely as advised. A little deviation from the collection time deteriorates the quality.

Similarly, the plant specific parts mentioned in the literature are collected in proper season as identified in Haridradya taila. Season specific collection of those parts of the plants has best potency for excellent result.

Formulated with natural ingredients Haridradya Taila helps to effectively removes blemish, pigmentation, minimizes pimples, repairs damaged skin and helps avoid future breakouts.In addition to therapeutic benefits, it have additional cosmetic benefits on skin. Haridradya Taila is one of its type as with provides with ageless skin, tonifying it, smoothing its imperfections, and increasing its hydration level, thus restoring a radiant and healthy look. Such preparations actively protect the skin and prevent premature aging.

It is prescribed in Ayurvedic literature for acne contrary to the concept of oil not being used on acne. The Ayurvedic text breaks the myth that oil cannot be used on acne. The oil acts as carrier of phytoconstituents to the site of action. Also, acne prone skin is deficient in Omega 6 fatty acid. Sesame oil being enriched in Omega 6 fatty acid is the gentlest way to deliver nutrients to sensitive and stressed skin. This reparative face oil contains 13 precious herbs along with cow milk which helps to reduce the appearance of blemishes, pigmentation, age spots, and acne & prevents new breakouts.


Main Benefits include:

  • Vanishes look of age spots
  • Remove Acne & Pimple
  • Enhances Skin Texture


Method of preparation

The taila is prepared following ancient documented Taila Paka Vidhi, the process in
which the oil is boiled with prescribed decoction (kasaya) and paste (kalka) of herbs according to the formulation.This process ensures transfer of active therapeutic phytoconstituents into the oil/taila for beneficial results. A powerful combination prepared from 13 herbs has the properties for skin rejuvenation.



Sesamum indicum


Curcuma longa (Haridra/Turmeric)

Berberis aristate (Daruharidra)

Prunus cerasoides(Padmaka)

Nelumbo nucifera (Padma/Lotus)

Rubia cordifolia (Manjistha)

Caesalpinia sappan (Pattanga)

Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice/Yastimadhu)

Limonia acidissima (Kapittha)

Ficus benghalensis (Vata)

Ficus lacor (Plaksha)

Diospyros peregrine (Tinduka)

Coscinium fenestratum (Kaliyaka)

Crocus sativus (Saffron)



Ayurvedic Relevance

Being haridradaya (haridra/turmeric and daruharidra) as major constituents, it is named as Haridradya taila. Both have cleansing, anti-inflammatory, kapha and vata pacifying and wound healing action as described in Charaka and Sushruta Samhita, the original texts of Ayurveda. Those are composed during 1000 BCE, thus more than 3000 years old clinical experience. Similar actions are described in Medieval Ayurvedic text i.e., Astanga hridaya, Astanga sangraha etc, which shows importance of those two plants. The other plant drugs: yastimadhu has anti-itching and complexion promoting properties as well as pacify pitta and vata. Lotus and padmaka pacify pitta, rakta and vata, promote union and wound healing,

Kapittha, tinduka, plaksha and vata has promote wound healing hence beneficial in scar. Manjistha and kumkuma has complexion promoting activity. Kaliyaka and Pattanga removes pitta, useful in wound, alleviates itching and poison.Milk is an excellent pacifier of vata and pitta, cooling in nature and immunity promoter.     



Ingredients with Benefits

The constituent of the formulation is having various properties which in combination enhances action makes it more efficacious.

Sesame oil is used as base oil for preparation. Considered as King of Oils in Ayurveda, Sesame oil has power to penetrate the skin layers thus taking the benefits of the herb into the skin to show its beneficial results. In Ayurveda, sesame is known for its healing properties and balances Tridoshas to keep skin healthy and nourished.Additionally, Sesame oil is rich in omega fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants Sesame oil moisturize, hydrate and deeply nourishes skin and helps to redefine skin for radiant youthful appearance.





The main ingredient from which the name of this taila is derived is Haridra i.e., Curcuma longa (Haldi/Turmeric). Turmeric the golden spice is an extraordinary herb used for centuries in Ayurveda with prominent antioxidant and anti-aging protection. It is a natural skin remedy for blemish and pigmentation. Its active helps to fight the effect of pollution thus minimizing signs of aging. Rubia cordifolia (manjistha) & Lotus rich in antioxidants have anti-aging benefits which helps to reduce age spots for younger looking radiant skin. Saffron, another wonder ingredient helps to reduce blemish and pigmentation.




Haridra (turmeric) is a multi-beneficial herb, as a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, it helps in various skin conditions including acne while its anti-inflammatory properties reduce redness associated with acne. Also, wound healing property of turmeric further helps to diminish scar associated with acne.

Daruharidra, Berberis aristata and Coscinium fenestratum (Kaliyaka) are one of the most important skin healing and restoring herbs of Ayurveda. It is effective in various skin problems and disorders. Its antibacterial property aids in managing acne, as well as balances out sebum production.

Ficus species i.e Ficus benghalensis (Vata) and Ficus lacor (Plaksha) are natural skin tonic herbs which helps to cure skin related problems including acne and are found tolighten marks and scars.

Rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and various other essential minerals present in Lotus controls sebum production balancing out oily skin for clear skin also contributes in controlling acne and pimple. 

The active constituents of Indian Redwood Caesalpinia sappan (Pattanga) & Limonia acidissima (Kapitha) helps to minimizes pimples and future breakouts.




Turmeric a multi action herb have skin purifying and soothing benefits it helps to revive skin radianceand natural glow to brighten complexion. Also evens skin tone and texture while antioxidant benefits helps to combat damaging free radicals that cause visible pores, uneven skin texture, dullness, and discoloration.

Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia) is detoxifying, and purifying herb well known for its varna properties i.e., complexion enhancing benefits in Ayurveda. It supports healthy and radiant skin naturally.

Lotus is rich in natural alpha-hydroxy acids which help to exfoliate and restore a youthful skin. In addition, it helps in brightening skin complexion resulting in radiant healthy skin. Its properties intensely hydrate and moisturize the skin. Its Vitamin A content helps in reducing inflammation. With skin purifying properties lotus protects the skin from harmful effects of pollution and prevent it from further damage. Improves skin tone and texture for clear radiant skin.

As per Ayurveda, licorice is one of the most common complexion lightening and skin whitening ingredient. Rich in antioxidants it protects against the effects of free radicals and hence fortify the skin from oxidative damage due to stress. It is effective against hyperpigmentation, such as age spots, acne scarring and sun damage primarily by inhibiting tyrosinase an enzyme which is responsible for production of melanin, pigment which contributes to skin color. It helps to promotes skin radiance and balance out oil production. Its antioxidant and skin soothing effects helps to calm the skin.

Diospyros peregrina (Tinduka) & Prunus cerasoides (Padmaka) promotes healthy skin and visibly reduces signs of aging promoting youthful radiance improves complexion for healthy skin texture.

Saffron is well known for its natural complexion promotion and skin radiance enhancing properties and also enhances skin tone and texture


In addition to these benefits Haridradya Taila also has moisturizing benefits mainly due to Sesame Oil and Cow Milk.

Sesame oil moisturize, hydrate and deeply nourishes skin and helps to redefine skin for radiant youthful appearance.While cow milk being rich in vitamins, alpha hydroxy acids, calcium and other potent antioxidants, has numerous skin benefits. It nourishes skin deep within and moisturizes it for healthy looking youthful glow.


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